Consultancy in Cancer Care

Service Breakdown

Our aim is to change conversations about cancer and improve quality and survival rates in cancer services across the African countries and beyond.

Our Objectives

  • To provide variety of training workshops and webinars to employers, policy makers, staff, and patients who are affected, either directly or indirectly, by cancer.
  • To provide consultancy services to government health directorates, parastatal and advisory services on cancer policies, guidelines and processes that will safeguard treatment and holistic care to cancer patients. i.e., policies related to managing those living with and beyond cancer treatment, incorporating holistic approach and psychosocial aspect of care.
  • To provide buddying schemes and support network internationally to share best evidence practice.
  • To provide international network links and share multidisciplinary team approach to cancer care, negotiate exchange programmes for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and redesigning new cost-effective ways of utilising international resources with Oxford University hospitals and Oxford University, among others.
  • To provide training and workshops on service evaluations, audits and research within cancer services and support quality improvement based on latest evidence.

How To Get Started

1. Getting To Know You

Once we've received your enquiry, our team will assess your application and give you a call to learn more about what you need. We'll then provide you with information on the services that are available based on your exact requirements.

2. Care Team Assessment

We will then arrange for one of our experts to visit you and carry out a comprehensive assessment of your care needs. After this visit, a fully costed care package will be offered and a plan created in collaboration with you and your family to ensure that you are happy with all aspects.

3. Selecting Your Care Giver

We will identify suitable healthcare professionals to support you in-line with your care plan and arrange for you to meet them to ensure that all of your needs are met. If any additional training is required to support your care requirements, this will also be coordinated.

4. Care Begins

Your service commences.

Free Consultation

Kindly fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.